Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've lost my winning mojo

There was a time I had a knack for winning radio contests but, these days, I can't seem to win one even if you paid me. What's up with that?

For years, I have taken for granted that it would continue to be easy to win these random concert tickets, gift certificates and other stuff the radio stations offer. However, much like the NY Yankees taking for granted being in the post-season, my luck has seem to run out.

"Boo Hoo!" I hear you all saying. "Poor You! You won't be able to regale us with tales of winning a portable DVD player. Let me cry you a river." However, this loss of my radio contest winning "mojo" does disturb me A LOT. I worry that it will spill over to other parts of my life. Will I stop winning at card games? Will I stop winning the battle of the bulge? Is my "winning mojo" selectively gone JUST for radio contests or gone completely?

I am determined to break this losing streak. I am going to try and win ANY contest just to prove that my winning streak isn't over. Be it a meatball eating contest, a contest to win a free air freshner or just winning a battle of wills -- I am determined.

Wish me luck in bringing back the lucky streak!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Where have you been?

I have been hearing that a lot lately. Dear husband and I have been going away on the weekends, visiting areas, to try and determine where to buy a home. This home buying thing is SUCH a HUGE commitment. Getting married was easy compared to this. At least husband and I dated for a while, got to know each other before we took the leap. Buying a home? Committing to a neighborhood? That's going to happen after only a couple of visits. Yikes!

How do I know the neighborhood will be safe five years from now? Will there be enough kids for Josh to play with in 10 years? Will dear husband and I find any friends in this new neighborhood that we like as much as the ones we already have? The fact that we will also have to pay over a hundred thousand dollars for the "privilege" of being homeowners also boggles the mind. I know people do this every day, but how do you commit to that kind of cash when you know you'd have to work at least 20 years to make the amount of money that the house is worth?

Well, that explains my absence from this blog too. All my free time has been invested in researching neighborhoods, researching the home buying process, researching how to make grow hair grow back after you've pulled it out due to frustration.

Hope you forgive me, again, for neglecting you guys. How's about this? When we finally DO buy a house, you're all invited over to hang out and chat. Just be aware there is a two drink minimum, if you do stop by. After all, that house isn't gonna pay for itself, we need to finance it somehow. :)

PS As for that last blog, you all had some cute guesses but the real answer was Will Blog When I Have The Time..little did I realize, at the time, how prophetic that comment would be.