Friday, August 22, 2008


When did people get too lazy to speak and write complete words? I think it has a lot to do with instant messaging, but abbreviations have become the norm in almost everything I see and do these days.

At work, my colleagues don't write thank you in their emails any more, they write "TY! :)" A friend was telling me a story and she remarked "He was soooooo funny I was totally LOLing at everything he said." Does it require so much more effort to actually say she was laughing out loud then saying LOL? Has our short attention span and desire to rush everything we do now affected our conversations too?

Then, there is the problem of figuring out what the heck someone means when they abbreviate something you haven't seen before. The first time I saw "TTYL!" it took me 5 minutes to figure out they meant "Talk to you later."

If I were to write I "ASTOTT" - Am So Tired Of This Trend, how long would it take you to figure out what I mean? When does an abbreviation become normally understood for public usage vs just plain annoying?

Well, I'm bored with this post and I'm in a rush to get back to work since my lunch break is about over, so -- TTYL!

(In case you were wondering about the funny title of this post...Try and guess what the letters are an abbreviation for and send me your guesses through the comment function. I'll post the guesses and answer the next time I post.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where did summer go?

As we are quickly approaching the end of another summer, were it not so hot, I wouldn't even know what season it was now. I used to love the summer. Over two months of down time, time to rejuvenate the spirit and the soul. Even if it just meant the luxury of sleeping late, I loved it. However, summer, as I knew it, hasn't existed since I graduated from college. Once I started working, my summers were over.

I think the longest vacation I have had since graduation has been a week. One week when I got married and then another week a year later for a delayed honeymoon. Now some of you will jump in here and say "Hey, didn't you have 9 weeks of maternity leave?" Really? Does that count? Do you think I got to sleep late on any of those 63 days I was not working? Did I get to veg in front of the TV all day? Nope.

I never really did anything exciting with my summers. No foreign travel, no pursuit of mastering a hobby. I took some mini trips but, looking back, I never took advantage of the time. In my mind, there was always next summer.

Friends tell me that my summers will make a return, though in abbreviated form, when Josh gets older and wants to go to Disney, Sesame Place, Great Adventure and thousands of other theme parks out there during his summer break. I disagree with them. It still won't be MY summer break. I don't think my summers, and the potential they hold, will return until Josh is grown and out of the home and dear husband and I are retired.

Of course, since retirement these days is somewhere around 80 years old, I may be too old flirt with the gondoliers in Venice and learn to play the drums. On the other hand, at that point all year long will be my summer break, so that will give me plenty of time to try to make it all a reality. Of course, if there is a good show on TV or it requires me getting up early, all bets are off. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What’s wrong with being selfish?

Today, a colleague I met once, but converse with on the phone often, came into our office for a meeting and came to my cubicle to find me. She seemed genuinely thrilled to see me. She asked all about baby Josh and how I was transitioning back into the office. Then, at lunchtime, as I walked out of an alternate exit from my building, a security guard there said “We haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been?” Last week, the woman who hands out the free paper at the train station told me it was great to see me again. In the week I have been back in the office, back to my old routine, I have been genuinely surprised at the warm reception I have received from the people I have interacted with on both a routine and intermittent basis. At the risk of sounding egotistical, I feel really popular.

However, I have got to give credit where credit is due. My parents, my dad in particular, have always been what you classify as “blue collar” workers. They struggle financially and my dad, having been a plumber, was always treated more like a machine than a person when he entered people’s homes. Due to his experiences, he instilled in me the proper respect for another human being, regardless of the job they hold or how much money they have in the bank.

I say hello to the people you rush by going to catch the train or to make it to your desk on time. I thank the cashiers at my local grocery store and wish them a good day. I always ask the customer service agents, that I call for inquiries, how their day is and do my best to illicit a smile from a person who I know probably deals with mostly irate individuals on a daily basis. I offer service men, like plumbers, something to eat or drink when they are in my home. I started doing it all because of my dad but, I have gotten so much more out of it then I give. In a world filled with millions of people, I feel like I matter. I feel more like a human being myself by treating other people with respect and courtesy.

There’s this great commercial where you see random acts of kindness leading to other random acts of kindness. It is simple gestures like a smile, picking up a dropped object for another person or just holding a door open that can change the demeanor of another individual. More importantly, I feel, that the kindness you show someone often benefits you the most by making you feel better about yourself. So, when you really think about it, my being nice to people is a really selfish act. My parents have always been the most selfish people I know and I can only hope that I can raise Josh to be an even more selfish human being then they taught me to be. So go ahead, and be a little selfish and teach your kids to do it too.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Butting Heads

My son keeps using a wood toy we bought him to help him stand up. Inevitably, he loses his balance and hits his head against this toy and then starts crying. The solution to prevent this from happening was easy. I put the toy away until he is a little older and a little steadier on his feet. I wish the answer to life’s other problems, were that easy too.

It is my third day back in the office and I am miserable. I don’t get any Josh time in the morning anymore, because I am getting ready for work. By the time I got home at night the past two days, I got about 20 minutes of fun time with Josh before he started getting cranky because he needed to go to sleep. Last night when he fell asleep on me, I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. I miss spending time with him.

This isn’t a new problem, I’ve blogged about it before, but what I once speculated about, is now a reality. I am extremely torn. I don’t want to stop working. From a financial perspective, it would just be too much of a burden. Also, to be honest, I don’t know if I could be with Josh 24/7 and be the loving mom he deserves. Having some “me” time is what makes me appreciate him more. However, if I wasn’t working, who could afford someone to watch him that would allow me to have that time to rejuvenate?

My husband keeps telling me that he will support any decision I make, stay home or keep working. All my working mom friends keep telling me that this will get easier. I keep being told to give this a chance that, with time, I will achieve a balance or at least a sense of peace with my decision. I hope they are right. I am agonizing over what the right solution for me is here. I keep butting heads with myself and boy is it making me cry. I should probably take a lesson from what I did for Josh’s problem and apply it to my own. Maybe I should shelve making the decision of whether to work or not to work until I’m a little steadier on my feet.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


While in a store, I heard a commercial on the radio about a new teen movie that touts "love at the mall". Apparently, it is about an aspiring songwriter (girl) and aspiring rock star (guy). Their foe? The evil mall owner's daughter. Really? This movie got greenlighted? Granted, I am judging without seeing the movie, but does this sound like a riveting concept that is not to be missed? Then again, who am I to judge? Despite her immense popularity with the young women in America, I find Miley Cyrus to be the most annoying thing on either side of the Mississippi.

What is it with today's teens? Did we ever fall for something this stupid? I have got to review some of the "classics" I watched growing up. Will The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire and Sixteen Candles prove to be as ludicrous to my adult eyes as this "love at the mall" movie? I have to believe I had better taste as a teen. However, the fact that I went to a New Kids on the Block concert back then is what's making me think this trip down memory lane may not end that well.

By the way, in case you are dying to know, Donnie was my favorite -- I was always a sucker for the "bad boys." Besides, Jordan was way prettier than me and that just pissed me off.