Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where did summer go?

As we are quickly approaching the end of another summer, were it not so hot, I wouldn't even know what season it was now. I used to love the summer. Over two months of down time, time to rejuvenate the spirit and the soul. Even if it just meant the luxury of sleeping late, I loved it. However, summer, as I knew it, hasn't existed since I graduated from college. Once I started working, my summers were over.

I think the longest vacation I have had since graduation has been a week. One week when I got married and then another week a year later for a delayed honeymoon. Now some of you will jump in here and say "Hey, didn't you have 9 weeks of maternity leave?" Really? Does that count? Do you think I got to sleep late on any of those 63 days I was not working? Did I get to veg in front of the TV all day? Nope.

I never really did anything exciting with my summers. No foreign travel, no pursuit of mastering a hobby. I took some mini trips but, looking back, I never took advantage of the time. In my mind, there was always next summer.

Friends tell me that my summers will make a return, though in abbreviated form, when Josh gets older and wants to go to Disney, Sesame Place, Great Adventure and thousands of other theme parks out there during his summer break. I disagree with them. It still won't be MY summer break. I don't think my summers, and the potential they hold, will return until Josh is grown and out of the home and dear husband and I are retired.

Of course, since retirement these days is somewhere around 80 years old, I may be too old flirt with the gondoliers in Venice and learn to play the drums. On the other hand, at that point all year long will be my summer break, so that will give me plenty of time to try to make it all a reality. Of course, if there is a good show on TV or it requires me getting up early, all bets are off. :)

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