Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've lost my winning mojo

There was a time I had a knack for winning radio contests but, these days, I can't seem to win one even if you paid me. What's up with that?

For years, I have taken for granted that it would continue to be easy to win these random concert tickets, gift certificates and other stuff the radio stations offer. However, much like the NY Yankees taking for granted being in the post-season, my luck has seem to run out.

"Boo Hoo!" I hear you all saying. "Poor You! You won't be able to regale us with tales of winning a portable DVD player. Let me cry you a river." However, this loss of my radio contest winning "mojo" does disturb me A LOT. I worry that it will spill over to other parts of my life. Will I stop winning at card games? Will I stop winning the battle of the bulge? Is my "winning mojo" selectively gone JUST for radio contests or gone completely?

I am determined to break this losing streak. I am going to try and win ANY contest just to prove that my winning streak isn't over. Be it a meatball eating contest, a contest to win a free air freshner or just winning a battle of wills -- I am determined.

Wish me luck in bringing back the lucky streak!

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