Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Pee

A good friend of mine recently told me that she knew she was pregnant before she even took a test because she kept waking up in the middle of the night to pee. This is not something she routinely does and, in her recollection, the last time she did this was the first time she was pregnant. I am now paranoid about pee.

I am drinking a lot more water on Weight Watchers then I normally would. I make a huge effort to get in my 8 glasses a day plus, I am a diet soda junkie, so I drink that too. As a result, my visits to the ladies room have increased. How will I ever be able to tell the difference between normal pee and baby induced pee?

Now, some of you are thinking, well are you even trying to get pregnant? Well, apparently my answer to that question is irrelevant. I have heard way too many stories lately about people who got pregnant by “accident.” I don’t know how that happens, how is it even possible to get pregnant by “accident”? The last unplanned pregnancy I heard about had the husband remarking “You know that small percentage where birth control fails?” He looked at his wife and then at me “Meet the small percentage.”

Those of you who know me, know that I am a freak, a “Murphy’s law” kind of gal. If something unpredictable can happen – it will happen to me. I took pregnancy tests when I was still on birth control, before even trying for Josh, just in case dear husband and I were “the small percentage.” Normally, dear husband finds my quirkiness to be cute but when he found out how much those tests cost, he forbade me from taking them until we were actually trying AND even then he told me when I should try testing to keep me in check. (Not that I actually listened to him, I “snuck” tests all the time, but I did reduce the number I bought for fear of being caught.)

So, when dear husband heard the comment from my friend about the middle of the night urination being her clue to her new pregnancy and then saw my eyes pop open, he knew he was in for trouble. Countless glasses of water, thirty dollars and three tests later I am not pregnant but, I do have to pee again.

1 comment:

SusQHB said...

This was a great post. I love the "How will I ever be able to tell the difference between normal pee and baby induced pee?" Doesn't that sound like a SATC Carrie opening question...if the show were about mommyhood, not just sex.