Thursday, July 31, 2008

You are the coupon queen

I am in LOVE with coupons. Barring winning the lottery or finding money on the street, there is no other way that I have found to get that same high feeling -- like I have accomplished something financially astounding-- other then that.

Now, most people feel good if they find a coupon in their weekly paper and use it to lower their grocery bill. They are amateurs. The professional coupon queen knows how to find the best prices and get her purchases to be little to no money expended at all. My proudest moment occurred when I lived in Los Angeles and, after using my coupons, I actually got money back!

It doesn't apply just to conventional stores. With Internet purchases I implore you "Look for coupon codes before you buy." You can get free shipping and major discounts. Using a retailer, who shall remain nameless, I purchased a cookbook I wanted at half the price with free shipping. I will also now give a shameless plug for my friend's website "pennies at a time" which gives you tons of coupon codes, so check it out if you plan to shop online. (It's listed on the right in my "favorite links"...Where do you think I found my coupon code for the cookbook to begin with? Yup, it was there.)

Why am I delirious about coupons today? Well, I just discovered two new great finds. One avenue to get coupons for the products you actually use? Contact the manufacturer! Most products have a 1-800 number or website on their packaging, so get in touch. Most of these companies will send you a coupon if you ask them to do so. (Some are meanies and don't and usually those are the ones that lose me as a customer.)

Next, Buy Buy Baby has done something that has made my love for them grow even deeper. First they accepted competitor's coupons, NOW they accept their parent company's coupons. Buy Buy Baby's parent company is Bed Bath and Beyond. Bed, Bath and Beyond the only store I have ever encountered that issues too many coupons for me to use :) Granted, there are restrictions on using these coupons, but, chances are, something you will need will be covered by these coupons.

While I have always found the act of searching for coupons to be a wonderful treasure hunt, with the added costs of feeding and clothing a growing family, it is now a necessity! When I lock eyes on a toilet paper coupon or one for a free container of Bacos, my heart races with joy. My husband never has to worry about me leaving him for another man, no man could ever compete with him. However, if a tall, good looking, free case of pampers coupon walks into my life... I would be tempted to stray. Once you get as hooked on the coupon high as I am, you'll understand. :)

1 comment:

SusQHB said...

I'm a coupon fiend! I really wanted Jamba Juice for lunch but refused to go because my Buy One, Get One coupon just expired. I feel cheated.