Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gripe Water

It’s been a while and I guess you are wondering why I have abandoned the blog. Fear not. I have not forgotten you -- my faithful audience of 5 readers! It’s just been hectic with work, baby Josh and a scale that just won’t move down. So, today, you are being treated to my gripe session.

First, work sucks! I have never been this stressed before in my entire career. A couple of people retired and I inherited their workload. Did this result in a pay increase? No. More time off? Nope, not that either. Basically, what I was told was “these are your new responsibilities, love them or feel free to quit any time you want.” I work for a company that is willing to create chaos by letting an employee quit, rather then give the notion that they are giving up any control/power. They are willing to “cut off their nose to spite their face” as my mom always used to say.

As for Josh, where to begin? The boy is a trip! I adore him but he is going through a stage where he keeps flipping onto his stomach every half hour at night, and then he is unable to return to his back. This generally starts about 9PM every night. Whenever he flips himself, the result is massive screams and cries. By the 6th time he does this, he has worked himself into such a tizzy that he is up for an hour, inconsolable until he passes out from exhaustion of crying. That behavior reminds me of how I acted after a really bad break-up of a relationship.

Despite my desire to nap at lunch, to make up for the loss of sleep – I am not doing that. Instead, I am exercising like a mad woman. I am counting points religiously. I am drinking my water, following my healthy guidelines but apparently, someone forgot to tell that to my scale. I have been told it is retained water, additional muscle, scale error, you name it but, another 4 weeks have passed with no weight movement down, and this plateau is driving me nuts.

Between the stresses of work, the sleep deprivation and the exercise hangover, it is a wonder I have the energy to construct a sentence these days. I was so tired, at one point, I called my husband mommy when we were having an argument. Exhaustion or Freudian slip?

I thought a good way to tackle some stress would be to get rid of some of the clutter in my life. Maybe things would look and feel better in a neater apartment. In the course of cleaning, I discovered items I didn’t even know I owned. A coffee grinder I thought I had returned, more bottles for Josh and some gripe water we bought him that we never used. Now, I know that Gripe Water is supposed to be used to treat colic but do you think if I drank some of it, it would cure me of the gripes I have? It’s worth a shot right? How many WW points do you think is in a serving? Gotta watch those points or the griping will never stop!

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