Friday, May 16, 2008

The baby, the bus driver and the wheelchair

The bus drivers, elderly and disabled of the world will probably hate me after this post but, I mean them no harm.

Yesterday, I was on the city bus alone and an old woman came on with one of those new “walkers” that has wheels and a basket. The bus driver let down the ramp and she came on and two people gave up their seats to accommodate her and the contraption. Then, three stops later, the bus driver repeated his action for a wheelchair bound passenger and this time three people had to give up their seats to accommodate him. I sat there and internally seethed. I was pissed.

Let’s rewind to when Josh was 4 weeks old. I spent the morning rushing around to get him ready for his 1 month doctor appointment. I loaded down his carriage with all the things I would need to bring for him and buckled him in to go. After 2 blocks of walking, it started to rain. While I had packed Josh’s rain gear, I had forgotten my umbrella. Luckily, I saw a bus approaching. When it was my turn to board, the bus driver said he wouldn’t let me on until I removed the baby from the carriage and folded it up.

I looked for a candid camera. He was joking right? You want me, all by myself, to carry the diaper bag, fold up my carriage, hold and support this delicate newborn and pay my fare? I waited for him to say “just kidding”, but instead heard crickets. “Sir, “ I began “I can’t possibly do that. My son is just 4 weeks old and there is no way for me to safely get him out and fold the stuff up by myself.” (Hey, I was new to this mommy game and I had no idea what I was doing at the time.) I expected for him to acquiesce and allow me to board -- remember it was raining. At the very least, I thought someone would volunteer to help me. No such luck. The bus driver replied “Well then, I guess you can’t come on,” as he shut the door and drove away.

As I walked to the doctor’s office I got wetter and angrier with each step. I was fuming by the time I got to my destination and yesterday those emotions came flooding back. Why is a baby so different then the elderly or disabled who we allow to be accommodated? It’s not like a 4 week old can walk on its own. Plus, I could have stood on the side (of what was a pretty empty) bus without having anyone sacrifice their seats. Why is there baby discrimination?

I’m sure at one time the elderly and the disabled had this problem when they needed to get on the bus, so how did they get that sticker that orders “you must give up this seat if an elderly or disabled person needs it”? I need to get a sticker like that for moms with babies. Heck, while I’m at it, I should petition for pregnant women too. Where’s that sticker? Where’s our accommodation?

I told dear husband about my pet peeve and he pointed out that I can carry a baby while the disabled can’t actually lift themselves out of their wheelchairs. I say poo on him! Technically, the bus driver COULD lift the disabled out of their chairs, fold it up, seat them and help them get back in the chair at their stop, it just wouldn’t really be fair to the disabled or convenient for the bus driver. It’s kind of like asking a new mother to fold up her carriage while balancing a newborn and all the baby’s “accessories”. Hmmmm. On second thought, maybe that’s what I should be petitioning for, making the bus drivers have to do that for every disabled rider. Maybe then they’d have some sympathy for the moms with strollers. I show mercy though, at least I am not making them stand out in the rain while doing it.

1 comment:

SusQHB said...

Not to compare my booze collection to your newborn, but yesterday I was taking a Yeshiva University shuttle over to the campus for a party with my bubbie cart filled with liquor. It was raining and I had painstakenly done my hair so I was nervous about getting the cart on board. The driver said the back hatch wasn't opening so he got out in the rain and loaded the very heavy cart on to one of the passenger seats for me. I was swooning this chivalrous gesture. If I wasn't heading to my engagement party I would have eloped with him then and there. As my mom always said, rules are made as guidelines. I'm not sure what that means, but I think if your bus driver wasn't a prick he would have gotten off his ass and helped you up. I'd have written a letter to someone.