Thursday, May 8, 2008

I am an Entertainment Weekly Pop Culture Quiz Failure

I have failed. It is difficult to admit this, but perhaps there is something I can learn from this experience.

I am a couple of weeks (OK, months) behind on my magazine reading - that is not baby related. So, I just took a quiz in Entertainment Weekly about all the stuff that is hip and now. I was horrified to discover that my knowledge of today’s pop culture has woefully diminished. Can you believe it? Me, the “go to girl” for pop culture references. Even those things I didn’t watch or see in the past, I at least read about so I could speak about knowledgably. These days I can tell you more about what line of diapers are best then explain why Mariah Carey married Nick Cannon after a whirlwind 6 week courtship.

I don’t know when I went from choosing to buy US Weekly and People on a routine basis to choosing Good Housekeeping and Ladies Home Journal from the magazine stands. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my Entertainment Weekly subscription and I am a frequent visitor to and TMZ, but I find myself reading Parenting before I do any of my entertainment magazines.

I am not the first person to fall so far from greatness, but, nevertheless, it hits me hard. When a friend referenced David Archuleta the other night and she further explained he was a contestant on American Idol this season, I pretended to know exactly who she was talking about, but inside, I knew I was a fraud.

How could something that took up so much of my free time have become so backburner? Well, take a look at the face in the picture on this blog. Getting that kid to burp so he feels better has become more of an accomplishment to me now then naming all the winners of Dancing with the Stars.

I read on some gossip website that said Nicole Richie was asking her friends “Am I still fun now that I had the baby?” Whether the story is true or not, I relate. I feel like all my stories, every fiber of my being now is all about my son. The things that brought me pleasure before still do but, not half as much as watching that boy’s face light up with a smile. So I ask myself, when all I can seem to do is talk about all things baby related, am I still fun now?

Perhaps there is a way to combine my old passion with my new one. Maybe there is a way to make me hip and fun again while still focusing on my son. Do you think Nicole Richie, Christina Aguilera, Halle Berry & Jennifer Lopez would be interested in joining my new mommies playgroup?


SusQHB said...

You really don't know who David Archuleta is?!! And to think I was once your almost teammate in the pop culture world series. We sooo had no chance...

Cookie Momster said...

As I fully admitted in my blog, oh how the mighty have fallen. :)

Margy said...

This is how I know we were separated at birth. I also took the EW Pop Culture Quiz recently and failed miserably. I could barely answer any of the questions. Unbelievable! I can't remember the last time I went out to see a movie, my DVR is filled with TV shows that I can't find the time (or energy) to watch, and I find myself singing the theme song to "Dora the Explorer" in the shower. What's happened to me, you may ask? Same as you, of course - it's PARENTHOOD. Is there a cure???

Sara Z said...

Elana, I am agog! As far as I'm concerned, the only excuse to not keep up with celebrity news is 3-day yom tov. As for me, even in my darkest and most sleep deprived hours, it is actually Us Weekly that kept me going (can't watch TV all night on shabbos), while my New Yorkers gathered dust.
I'd be happy to come over and babysit some time so that you can catch up on your reading!