Friday, May 9, 2008

Dr. P, the Skinny Cow is making a comeback!

So, a couple of days ago, I went to the doctor for “routine maintenance” and part of the drill is being weighed. Now, I knew the number would not be one I was happy to see but NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think it would be THAT high. I haven’t been this heavy in over 10 years!

When you watch those shows like Jerry Springer, (Come on, admit it, you’ve caught yourself watching it, much as you would an accident on the side of a highway) and you see those 600 pound people who need to be cut out of their house, you wonder, how they didn’t notice. I kind of get in now.

Most days, I wake up and think “nothing in my closet fits, I am sooooo fat.” However, there are days I wake up in the morning, put on something that I actually feel like I look pretty good in. On those days, I don’t even notice the weight gain at all. Delusional? Perhaps. However, those moments, where I think nothing has changed about my body, have “fed” my continuing to eat poorly. If I can still fit into any of my pre-pregnancy skirts, even if it IS cutting off my circulation, I must still be the same weight, right?

Well, seeing that number shattered any illusions I had. I am not the same weight I was pre- Joshua and, while he was worth every pound gained, he deserves a healthy mommy.

So, I am back on Weight Watchers. There are fruits and vegetables in my fridge and my freezer is now full with my WW staples of Dr. Praeger’s pizza bagels and fish. When I was on WW before having Josh, Dr. Praeger’s items were a HUGE part in my success in dropping my excess weight. It allowed me to eat “nosh” in a points friendly way. Yes, I still had my veggies, water and all that healthy stuff but this made me feel like I was “cheating” when I was following all the rules

Another item I discovered on WW was Skinny Cow ice-cream sandwiches. They remind me of the flying saucers I had in Carvel when I was a kid. I bought them so frequently the last time I was on WW that my husband starting calling me (affectionately) his “skinny cow”. Yes, when I write it down here, it doesn’t sound too good, but trust me, it was very sweet.

So, it is day 3 for me on WW and so far, so good. While last week, I would have been baking chocolate chip cookies for shabbos, this week I bought some grapes instead. Yay me! I may be slow to make a move but, once I do, I am pretty good at keeping on track. So, my dear husband, leave a light on, cause your skinny cow is heading home.


Selena said...

wow, do I know how you feel. 6 months after Sima was born, I was heavier than when I was pregnant! It was terrible.

Weight Watchers is the greatest! Good luck.

Cookie Momster said...
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SusQHB said...

you're hot.

Margy said...

OK, this is getting eerie. I was just thinking this morning about how I've got to go back on WW now that Nathan's here and I don't have the "eating for two" excuse anymore. You've inspired me - let's do it together!