Thursday, May 22, 2008

It’s a miracle!

The other night, on the How I Met your Mother season finale, the character of Marshall shouted “Miracle!” every time something awesome resulted out of what appeared to be a bad event in the beginning. I shout “Miracle!” today.

Something is in the air. Miraculous things are happening this week. The Dancing with the Stars winner was finally a woman again, the right David won American Idol and my credit card company has already removed the charge for the luxury tour in New Zealand that I ranted about yesterday. Will wonders never cease? Miracle!

When a credit card company acts this quickly to correct an error, I am in complete awe and shock. I have so gotten used to incompetence with service providers that, when normal customer service actually takes place, I am completely floored. It gives me hope that the impossible is possible (like that the charge for the playground in Maryland will soon be removed too).

This morning, I spoke with a school I went to, 13 years ago, because I heard they offered lifetime career placement. When I called to take them up on this offer, they told me that a lot had changed in the past 13 years, in the field I studied, and I would have to take the classes again in order for them to help me. Dejectedly, I asked how much that was going to cost me. “Don’t you just understand what lifetime career placement means?” They said. “You wouldn’t have to pay for the classes, they are free to you if you are a paid alumnus. The next time we offer these classes is in November, so give us a call back around then.” I get to be retrained, in a field I loved, at no cost and then they’ll try and help me with job placement? Miracle!!!

I went to move our car (alternate side of the street rules suck!) at lunch and I sat there for a half hour. Bored senseless, I started reading a magazine I had left there, the last time I moved the car. When I went to pick up the magazine, a dollar dropped out of the pages. Miracle! (OK, stretching it on that one, but there is nothing like finding money you didn’t even know you had.)

So, since there has been some sort of shift in the cosmos where it is now “putting things right that once went wrong.” (Bonus points if you know what show I am ripping off with that line.) I think it is the perfect day to invest that dollar and buy a lottery ticket. If my luck holds out today, hopefully, all my previous losses will be righted into a big win. Then, I’ll be shouting “Miracle!”, over a whole lot more than a dollar.

1 comment:

SusQHB said...

Quantum Leap! Not really a miracle that I knew that one. I prefer to call it Google. Although, Google is kinda G-dlike sometimes. So in that case..MIRACLE!