Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sex and the mommy

I love my husband dearly. I am extremely attracted to him. However, these days if you offered me the choice of 4 hours of additional sleep, a case of Paul Newman's peanut butter cups, or a little somethin-somethin with my man, the choice would be a no brainer. This sleep deprived, Weight Watchers going mom would pick the sleep first , chocolate second and coming in last place would be the nookie.

It amazes me how much I have changed in the past couple of years. Before dear husband was in my life, chocolate would have been number one on the list. I believe I am responsible for sending hundreds of kids to Paul Newman's camp just from the charity raised from my peanut butter cup purchases. These days, those poor kids have to stay home in their apartments and miss out on a summer outdoors just because of my selfish desire to lose weight. Oh, the inhumanity!

Before Joshua was in my life, my husband and I loved spending time alone together and I would have chosen time with him over sleep any day. Before you get your knickers in a twist, don't worry, I am not going to tell you about our sex life, even I have boundaries. I will say that this is not just about the sex. The exhaustion that comes with having a kid makes sleep a more appealing option then quality time with your man.

When I went to my obgyn post-Joshua for a check up she advised me that, in her opinion, I should go on birth control to give my body time to recover from having a baby before I tried for a second child. Heck, who was she kidding? Do you know what the most effective form of birth control is? Have a baby! Trust me, with a newborn in the house you have got to be pretty high energy to even worry about getting pregnant again.

So, how do people do it? How do they balance taking care of themselves (with proper diet and sufficient sleep), taking care of their babies and taking care of their marriages? I still haven't figured it out, but I'll keep trying. In the meantime, tell my husband to hit the snooze button on the alarm and wake me when my chocolate has no calories/points. Dear husband, the day that happens, trust me I'll be well rested and in such a state of euphoria that you are sure to get lucky.

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